Incumbent Worker Training Funds are available to a company to train its employees, making the company more efficient, productive, and profitable. Wages paid to employees in training count toward the company’s match. Training is not limited by a list of pre-approved providers or classes. Your company decides the type of training needed and which employees and occupations to train.
Any size company or business is eligible (not government or educational institutions). Your company falls within the in-demand occupation sector, including Healthcare, Transporation/Distribution/Logistics (TDL), Manufacturing, & Professional/Financial/Information Technology Services. Industry sector exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
You may apply at any time. There are no application deadlines. Grants are available on a first-come-first-serve basis until funds are depleted.
Companies may apply for up to $19,500 total for employee trainings.
You decide what you need and what will help your employees get the job done better, tailored to your industry and company.
For more information, reach out to Business Services Liaisons John Hall ( or Pamela Rodriguez (
Tim Zapp to General Manager from Shop Manager, Kevin Schoenbeck to Senior Engine Technician from Engine Technician, and Kyle Binion to Senior Machinist from Machinist. These employees whose promotions were announced have all benefited from the training they received under the grants from the Workforce Investment Board of Will County.